Play and share a meeting recording in Teams - How can I save a copy of the Teams meeting I just recorded on a personal drive?

Play and share a meeting recording in Teams - How can I save a copy of the Teams meeting I just recorded on a personal drive?

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How can I save a copy of the Teams meeting I just recorded on a personal drive? - Microsoft Q&A - Content Summary

  Check out this article I found in the Client Portal knowledge base. Within " My files ", locate the " Recordings" folder. Teams meeting recordings will be stored in OneDrive or SharePoint, depending on the type of meeting. If your org is still using Microsoft Stream not OneDrive and SharePoint to how to download teams recording video downloac and you are a meeting owner, you can change permissions and allow people without access to view a meeting recording.    


How to download teams recording video -


Can we use power automate..? How are you managing files in your Teams? Skip to main content. Find threads, tags, and users Comment Show 0. Current Visibility: Visible to all users. No thank you, I have it figured out.

These were helpful, thank you all! I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Thanking you. Regards, Ankita Vaidya. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. But everyone invited to the meeting will be able to view the recording. If you recorded or organized the meeting, you can share the recording with people who weren't invited to the meeting—by just sharing it like you would share any other file.

Just find the file in OneDrive or SharePoint and share it directly with people or copy a link and share it however you like. If you weren't the person who recorded or organized the meeting, you can still share the recording with people weren't invited to the meeting. However, the meeting organizer or the the meeting recorder will need to approve your share action before other people will get access. Note: Go here to learn more about sharing a file in Microsoft Only the person who started the recording and the meeting organizer can download the recording.

Go here to learn more about downloading files or folders from OneDrive or SharePoint. Important: If your org is still using Microsoft Stream to store recordings and you are a meeting owner or recorder, you can download a meeting recording:.

Add the video to a Teams conversation by selecting Attach beneath the compose box. Or share the recording any other way you choose. Record a meeting. Issues with meeting recordings. Delete a meeting recording. Edit a recording transcript. Any other inappropriate content or behavior as defined by the Terms of Use or Code of Conduct. Any image, link, or discussion related to child pornography, child nudity, or other child abuse or exploitation. After our further tests, now we suggest double checking your permission to this specific record since according to your information, you can download records that initiated by yourself, right.

Since according to our test, even though the publisher of the video selects Allow everyone in your company view this video , if the Owner tab is not selected for specific user in this page , this user will not able to download it; only limited options can be seen after clicking … icon:. If the issue persists after double checking, please share us the updates and the following information:.

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